Saturday, June 5, 2010

So, you're engaged...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm sure that's not the first time you have heard it, but this is public - so it must make it just a little more important! Right??
What now? No, not head to the bar! That can be later. For now, sit back and relax, send mass emails to friends and family to tell them and glance down to check out the ring every 30 seconds or so. That's it. Nothing more! Okay, maybe go purchase one bridal magazine to peruse, but that's truly it.
Far too many couples (namely - the bride!) rush right into trying to set a date, choose their colors, begin picking bridesmaids and groomsmen, etc... Resist that urge for a bit. Take a couple weeks minimum and just be engaged. Relish the sweet memory of the proposal, or if it was rushed and worlds away from anything you had ever wanted, take some time to get over the shock. Once you hop on the train of wedding planning it becomes a very swift, confusing, and busy ride that is very hard to take a break from. For now, enjoy the peace.
I hope that you will come back to my blog often as I plan to offer a multitude of tips, hints, trends and laughs to help you along the way to "I do"!

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